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Workin' on it...

(2 minute read.)

10-9-8-7-6-5. Etcetera.

I usually have a few of my own projects in-progress or planned.

And, 'small pieces, loosely joined'… they're definitely 'projects', not necessarily individual businesses. This is an important distinction…

Just like a record/book/movie/painting/house etcetera, 'project' is a creative piece which 'you make and move on from, to something else' and doesn't need to be structured as an independent business; several can be combined within a single enterprise.

Some big, others small, either profit-oriented or of social benefit or attention-getting and lead-generating feeders for other projects of mine… they comprise a variety of stuff I'm ok about doing, and for which there's reasonable commercial potential.

  • The majority are almost wholly digitally-oriented-and-delivered services.
  • There's various similar/crossover elements of format/content/development which can be shared among projects (enabling cost and workload to be reduced).
  • Many can be aggregator-based, with extensive use of curated content utilising repurposed third-party stuff (and so further reduce cost and workload).
  • Some are relatively simple and unonerous, with a light workload (for example, a book or blog-type website).
  • Some can be geographically localised (and/or otherwise sector-segmented), and are thus suitable for licensing (and so further reduce workload).
  • It's not necessary for all of them to be developed into fully operational businesses… by rough-shaping the concept and strategy, adding a domain + demo site + Facebook/social media page(s) they're saleable as a 'here's what to do, now go get on with it' 'mini-biz'—yes, really.
  • Some have previously been active then discontinued during my time-out… and so for these, much of the initial work has been done.

Revenue sources are variously one-or-more of the 'four m's':

  • Membership (subscription).
  • Merchandise (sell stuff/affiliate);
  • Mention on-site (adverts);
  • Move it on (sell the site).

I do have an onsite list of 'em, with précis intro/overview, and to which I currently restrict access (password-protected page) so we'll pass by that for now.

Ethos… »