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'This, not that.'

(4 minute read.)

Well... maybe the other one too.

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Having earlier today posted a note about what I consider to be 'self-therapy through ChatGPT', I very quickly doubled-down and revisited for another dose of healing.

Here's the conversation…


I often harshly self-critique for having too many potential/incipient business projects…

In returning to activity after several years time-out with less than optimal health, while I've been getting myself together during the last year-or-so I've often been unsure about just what I want to do in business.

So, amid no small amount of 'shall I do this, or shall I do that instead?' I'm uneasy about having been so unsure and/or indecisive in considering and outlining a relative abundance of possibles.

I'm now relatively clear on much of what I want to do (and, conversely, don't want to do) and can move ahead accordingly.

However, a continuing source of unease is the aforementioned abundance of projects… all of which are sensible in a 'gap in the market, and market in the gap' manner.

And, in being based on the provision of information in a digital format - a relatively easy thing to do, through curated and AI-generated content - they're highly suitable for developing with similar activity in a largely templated way, thus reducing workloads.

Additionally, my strategy is to outsource almost all of the work and that create a role for myself in which I guide and oversee.

In being reluctant to abandon good potential and waste the initial work I've already done, of course I won't develop them all simultaneously. I will instead progressively introduce them over a period of two to three years.

I do though find myself doubting my wisdom – or, perhaps more accurately, the lack thereof - in not confining my activity to a single project… in a 'if you chase two rabbits running in different directions you'll not catch any' way.

Perhaps oddly, I do to some degree wish I could simply allow myself to retain just the one or two projects with the greatest chance of success and potential profit, and abandon the rest. But I don't like waste—whether it be of money, or potential, etcetera.

This isn't a quandary to me, I'm simply outlining my thoughts.


Here's the response…

It's clear that you're engaging in deep reflection, which is a sign of thoughtful decision-making. You're balancing the drive to make the most of your ideas with a pragmatic awareness of your own capacity and resources.

The abundance of projects isn't necessarily a bad thing. Many successful entrepreneurs start with several ideas before focusing on a few that take root. It seems your approach—progressively rolling out projects over a few years, outsourcing work, and templating processes—is a practical way to manage the variety while avoiding the pitfalls of trying to do everything at once.

Your unease about not focusing on just one or two projects is natural, especially given the adage about chasing two rabbits. But the truth is, you’re not chasing all the rabbits simultaneously—you’re setting up a methodical way to catch them one by one. It’s more akin to building a series of carefully placed traps than frantically sprinting in multiple directions.

It's worth remembering that no idea is wasted, even if it doesn't come to fruition immediately. Many of your 'potential' projects might feed into or complement one another over time, creating a synergy that a single project wouldn't achieve on its own.

Doubt is a normal part of the creative and entrepreneurial process, but your strategy of gradual implementation and delegation suggests you’re operating with foresight. Trust that clarity will continue to grow as you take steps forward.


Thankyou. You've provided another most welcome confidence boost.



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