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(5 minute read.)

Too many business projects.

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I have a theory that one's creative potential is perhaps sometimes inversely proportionate to one's capacity to act upon it.

Simply… the less able (perhaps through ability, available resources, existing commitments, age, health, etcetera) one is to take on new stuff, the more one's head will fill with possibilities.

That certainly seems to be the case with me…

I'm relatively old, not healthy, and couldn't possibly tackle the potential workload of 'what I already had in mind' yet have been adding more.

But I'm open about my potential projects being possibilities, options from which I can choose what I do, rather than a must-do obligation.

And additionally I'm 'creating future work', stuff to potentially be commenced later (maybe two to three years from now).

The way I see it is…

I get given ideas, by the universe.
The least I can do is act on them.

It's almost a primal urge—to create. As part of my conversation with the universe, it's how I say 'thank you'.

And yes, of course I'm aware of how daft this sounds.

There's times I realize that the wise thing for me to do is to let whatever-it-is idea pass on by; and I do when development of a potential project would be beyond my ability, and also usually when something good is already being done by others and I can't in an appropriate manner (will it serve?) add to what's already in circulation.

But often when looking at what's being done, I see a viable gap and feel the need to fill it or expand what's being done.

So I add a 'maybe, yeah' to the project list.

Although adding projects is not necessarily a bad thing, because it does provide me with some good options, it's clearly also a cause of concern to me.

Perhaps I misheard 'sea of possibilities' as 'seize possibilities'? Maybe. (At times my look at 'what's already being done' is often cursory and after I've already mentally/emotionally committed. Mea culpa.)

In my defence, I'll call-up this quote from Fast Company about Tom Peters: It’s always better to try a swan dive and deliver a colossal belly flop than to step timidly off the board while holding your nose.

'So then, g… that'll be a +1 to the project file, then?' Probably.


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