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Maybe, baby.
(3 minute read.)

A brief sit-rep.
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Since the most recent note—now more than a year ago—my activity hasn't been how I'd expected.
In returning to business after a relatively lengthy time-out, rather than dive-in to resuming full-time work, I've restricted myself to part-time activity… and in saying 'part-time' I mean 'do very little'.
Health issues continue to be a factor, there being times when I'm genuinely not sufficiently well to work in an appropriate way.
Although the cancer hasn't notably bothered me, the ongoing fatigue as a consequence of treatment and the (CFS) which I've had for years continue to be a significant impediment… and not helped by a developing cardiac issue. Oh well. 🙂
Often I'm simply too exhausted even to manage my routine daily activity. And, no matter how much I rest, exhaustion persists.
It's not all crap, though; some days are good, others a write-off. It varies.
But honestly, real though they are, these health issues are perhaps a relatively minor element of my desire and decision to to 'stay away'.
I too often simply haven't been in the mood. As I've previously noted:
I can't pretend to be enthusiastic about much of what's considered 'business as usual' nowadays; amid rampant mediocrity, there's too much which is simply vapid or is predatory and blatantly exploitational.
And, though I of course realise what I've been preaching for years 'you don't have to do stuff like all the others do', my ability to tolerate both the 'I am mighty, hear me roar' chest-beating shenanigans and the whole guy-shirt-and-tie regimen is much less nowadays…
The world of 'LinkedIn, etcetera' is a place in which (at my relatively advanced age of 67) I even-more simply don't want to be.
I've absolutely no desire to be among blatant hustlers, or others jostling for position and trying to sound impressive and be important.
It's only marginally more appealing than using a lump of stovewood to bang a large rusty nail through the bridge of my nose.
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