Viewing: Notes » Maybe, baby.

Maybe, baby.

(3 minute read.)

A brief sit-rep.

(continued… page 2 of 2)

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Elsewhere onsite I'll have noted how I'd previously lined-up some relatively simple and minor projects as a less-onerous potential alternative to the larger scale stuff on which I'd been working prior to my time-out.

I've now shelved (for now) these (the minor stuff). If I do anything at all, it'll be the major stuff.

But right now, I'm really not sure if I'll be back.

Although the projects are good—variously socially worthwhile and/or financially lucrative—I'm no longer driven to do them. Yes, the money would be useful, but maybe I can get by without it.

Firmly believing business should be energetic and passionate, right now I can't muster the desire and energy.

And whilst it may sound feeble, I've been notably affected (saddened) by two other things:

  • The retirement of Tom Peters.
  • The unexpected and relatively sudden death of a good friend (also a business colleague, and who'd previously been part of Peters' staff), from cancer. He enriched my life, and I hugely miss our often lengthy conversations.

So that's 'two-less in the good guys column'. Bummer.

It genuinely does feel like there's something missing now.

All things considered, the option of eschewing business… in favour of pottering in the garden, enjoying The Magic Flute, and other such leisure pursuits, feels bl**dy inviting right now.

We'll see.

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