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Updates & perspective.

'Explain almost everything…'

Infrequently updated snippets (currently just 27 of 'em, though there used to be more) about what I'm doing (and the 'why' thinking behind it), with some small-talk and a little propaganda.

At times highly personal, insights into a flawed mind and some of the consequences thereof… it's authentic and transparent, but rarely crisp and focused.

…continued (page 2)

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(Less than a minute to read.)

In this style...

As noted, nowadays I rarely update this site.

And I've previously outlined how, because my character and activity isn't always business-as-usual, I prefer to over- rather than under-communicate… in so doing including stuff which is irrelevant to many.



(1 minute read.)


We all have our little foibles… the slightly strange habits or characteristics, the harmless quirks.

I've often found them to offer insights on the nature of a person, and useful in business deals.



(3 minute read.)

Me. Myself. I.

Years ago I wrote a 'cart-horse and thoroughbred' note, about how some folk have greater creativity than others and among whom are some who're more emotional and prone to instability…

It's certainly been the case with me, at least for much of the time since early 2000s (I think, but can't accurately remember)—following a personality change after some relatively significant personal/family difficulties.


The Doing.

(10 minute read.)

Peace and anxiety.

Today is one of those times when my self-confidence is at an almost all-time low.

The cause of this is having done some unplanned work this week… primarily to help a friend and colleague, it's grown into a project which, to undertake appropriately, will require my guiding input during the next year or two.


Brothers and sisters.

(1 minute read.)

Being aware of one's limitations?

I've wondered whether siblings are complementary - with one having the attributes that the other lacks, and so between them they'd make a whole and well-rounded person.

If so, then clearly a brother or sister of mine would've been smart and sensible and hard-working – with a successful career and few fuck-ups.


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