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39 results for: I do business stuff

Showing 31–39.

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What. Since 1978, through consults and ventures, I've designed/built/repaired businesses for myself and others. Based in England, I work internationally. Streetwise-smart rather than academically-schooled, I don't come with an MBA education...

Info. Because my character and activity isn't always business-as-usual, some additional clarification is probably wise. Rather than get into a debate about 'over-communication'… what it is and whether it's preferable and/or...

Simple. Understate. ...(rather than desktops/laptops) has increasingly become the way in which the web is accessed (it's reported than apparently more than 70% of people will access the internet solely with their...

Terms. ...send information that is deceptive, misrepresentative, untruthful, offensive, indecent, obscene, threatening, abusive, harmful, defamatory, libelous, invasive of another's privacy, encourages others to violate this Agreement, or is otherwise objectionable, in...

Feed me. ...exclusive info that's not available onsite, it's out of date when it arrives… perhaps a week/month old depending on the frequency of the newsletter. And if it's info that's not...

opalven. 'opalven' (pretentiously lower-cased) is the parent trading structure/identity through which I conduct some of my commercial ventures. 'opalven?' Yeah… it's a contraction of 'opal ventures'. It comprises a uk-registered company...

Zero. I'm open about how, in developing ventures, I favor 'extreme outsourcing'… using external service providers for 'almost everything'. And although shifting the fixed-resource requirement away from the business itself, and...

Cog. ...and contacts to birth things and then provide appropriate guidance and other input in a non-frontline position. I certainly don't want to be 'boss', and even if I did I...

Limp. ...I'd wish. I won't dwell on or whine about it… hell, things could be a lot worse and I'm glad they're not. But the reality is that I won't/don't/cannot work...

Showing results 31–39 of 39 for: I do business stuff.

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