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39 results for: I do business stuff

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Conceive... ...I'll ignore that. The is available for registration and I grab it. The Facebook page isn't available, so I instead plump for a 'bit crap but it'll do creative...

'Entrepreneur?' Ha! ...anyone who introduced themselves with 'Hi, I’m an entrepreneur.' I hope I never will. (There's so many better ways to sound human and credible.) I only use it in that...

Bite. ...well-known 'pitch your business' tv-show. Of course it's silly, but hey… when did I ever pretend to be sensible (or sane)? Hi, I'm gulliver. My business is Honk Radio. (Yes,...

'I am, I said...' ...natural talent and learned abilities & experience) I'm good at it, I consider it more as 'this is what one should do' rather than what I want to do. So...

It stinks. ...stars in-demand leader-in-my-field and so expensive-I-price-by-the-half-hour but-I'm-not-telling-you-this-to-impress business advisor', people who don't know better then figure this must be the way to do it and so another ounce of integrity...

Intro. I'm g (huh?), and this is my not-very-businessy business site. It outlines who I am, and what I do, along with much of the 'how' and 'why'. Not like that,...

Maybe, baby. time-out. I've now shelved (for now) these (the minor stuff). If I do anything at all, it'll be the major stuff. But right now, I'm really not sure if...

'Problems and solutions.' ...reduces profit, and impedes growth. I consider it's important to 'know what you don't know'—to at least realise that there's stuff of which we should be aware, but aren't… and...

Neurodivergent: think different. I've added this because it helps me to better understand myself, and so therefore I consider it appropriate to include on-site. It's poorly written, due an edit, and is incomplete....

This, not that. ...stuff and actively mock or jeer it. For similar reasons I feel likewise about much of business. Among other stuff I dislike about business-as-usual is how it rejects creativity and...

Showing results 1–10 of 39 for: I do business stuff.

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