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'I am, I said...'

(6 minute read.)

To introduce and inform.

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As can easily be seen, my presentation is often 'not normal'.

So 'not for me' is my feeling and considered opinion about as-usual formulaic stuff, that I'm tempted to say that I'm honestly not sure that, even if I wanted to, I could ever master anything remotely resembling 'usual'.

But that's nonsense, and of course I could easily open with salesy stuff like:

Let's grow your business! [This ought to be in super!-attention!-getting! font-size massive—yeah, that'll work.]

I'll help you to [whatever—insert something appropriate].
Together we'll [live long and prosper? No—insert something appropriate].

  • New or growing business?
  • Uncertain on what to do?
  • Need advice?
  • Want help with your business planning?
  • Looking for a xxx or a yyy?
  • Sometimes feel alone in your business?
  • Don’t know who to turn to for help?
  • Need someone to talk to?


But I'd probably then have to start using words like 'massive success', 'key deliverables', 'goals', 'scalable', 'outside the box', '110%', and suchlike… oh please, f**k no, spare me.

[Yes, I'm not taking this too seriously.]

But I don't want to. So I don't.

There's never been anything particularly outlandish in my presentation… it simply hasn't been the usual seemingly de-rigeur bullshit-nonsense whereby tepid-turgid-insincere corporate-speak has permeated to freelancers and small firms who speak in a wholly unnatural and disingenuous manner as part of an apparent effort to ingratiate themselves with unknown others in the hope of getting money from 'em.

In 'say what I mean and mean what I say' candidly… not to be insulting, but simply to be honest… my approach is a natural 'these are not the droids you are looking for' filter to fright-or-delight polarise (and, rather than attract people, deter those with whom there'd not have been a match and thus spare us the wasted time-and-effort of exploring a potential commercial relationship).

This is entirely deliberate, and strategic… helping turn what might otherwise be a weakness into an advantage.

'Advantage… howso?'

It's no secret that I'm not a fan of 'business as usual'. And although I often enjoy helping people, I've never been particularly enthusiastic about providing 'business advice & support' as a business.

Honestly, although (because of my natural talent and learned abilities & experience) I'm good at it, I consider it more as 'this is what one should do' rather than what I want to do.

So I've had to find ways to make things tolerable/sustainable etcetera for me.

I've rarely advertised, bothered with SEO, testimonials or such-like, and 'don't like it, don't want it' reject much/most of what's offered to me… if I don't like the task or the person I'll decline the gig.

And for years, I've preferred to operate on a 'pay what you consider appropriate' basis rather than a set/negotiable fee.


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