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Can you dig it?
(3 minute read.)

We respect you. You trust us.
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Although it may sound hooey, being good and decent is important to me, running through everything I do.
What's below is written from the viewpoint of any one of my businesses, hence the use of 'we'…
We to be friendly, helpful, and make money (they're not mutually exclusive)… an honest and generous operation, known for transparency, authenticity, and being human-in-a-good-way.
The ethos is clear and simple…
Business doesn't have to be as impersonal, dull, inauthentic and unethical as it often is… great enterprise is built upon integrity, intelligence and energy.
And of course, you have to have fun doing what you're doing… in a relatively natural and satisfying way that respects others, and doesn't require working crushing hours just to add zeros to a bank balance.
With that in mind, we like to be friendly, collaborate rather than compete, and charge less than we could. Of course, this may be a tad too utopian.
As much as is possible within a business context, we want to build genuine, personal, and natural connections.
Treating others as we like to be treated ourselves… nobody will be considered a 'prospect', to be potentially manipulated with clever marketing ploys so we can get some money from them.
We're just not interested in a situation where someone has to be persuaded, convinced and sold.
So we simply state our case in a dialed-down manner, then step back.
If someone wants to buy, that's good. 'Thanks.'
And if they don't, that's ok.
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NEXT: Authenticity. Respect and honesty.
More 'ethos'…
For insight and perspective…
- This, not that. 'How' and 'why' matter.
- Can you dig it? We respect you. You trust us.
- Authenticity. Respect and honesty.
- Business? Or 'enterprise'…?
- 'They say, we say.' Different strokes.
- Rush? Things are better without an imposed timeframe.
- Gonzo. A little something for the non-conformist in us.
- It stinks. The essence of marketing?
- 'I am, I said...' To introduce and inform.
As noted, nowadays only in very limited circumstances am I available for advice & support and/or mentoring.