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39 results for: I do business stuff

Showing 21–30.

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Romantic stimuli. ...onto. This 'inner game' stuff is a vital commercial expedient, often overlooked and misunderstood. Years ago, when I taught this stuff to others, I used to mischievously ask ''provider of...

Load. ...three years from now). The way I see it is… I get given ideas, by the universe. The least I can do is act on them. It's almost a primal...

Ethos. impersonal, dull, inauthentic and unethical as it often is. Great enterprise is built upon integrity, intelligence and energy. And of course, you have to have fun doing what you're...

Yeah... ...Maybe I will. Late December update… The recent surgical intervention suggests the cardiac issue may not have been as serious as initially indicated, and it's uncertain whether I remain as...

The Magician and the Showgirl. ...for what I know. Knowledge. I-n-f-o-r-m-a-t-i-o-n. Vital stuff… highly important, whether combating evil in a surburban corner of the cosmos or simply trying to build a better business. Sure, it's...

Me? I write about 'personal stuff' here (and elsewhere on-site) when I consider it relevant to my commercial activities. Some'll of course say that personal stuff has no place in business,...

Projects. I usually have a few of my own projects in-progress or planned. And, 'small pieces, loosely joined'… they're definitely 'projects', not necessarily individual businesses. This is an important distinction… Just...

Perhaps... ...'stuff which is sufficiently interesting' (particularly appropriate eco/societally-worthwhile enterprise). In a little more detail, for clarification: I do what I do for a combination of reasons: #1 I enjoy it...

Collaborate. I welcome appropriate association with individuals and firms/companies/organisations who can help me do my stuff. This includes… Providers of various services, to whom I can outsource tasks. Although I favour...

Mentoring. speak with someone who understands and cares, about issues and concerns in their life and/or business. It can include elements of personal and professional coaching… encouraging and inspiring and...

Showing results 21–30 of 39 for: I do business stuff.

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