Viewing: What » Ethos » 'I am, I said' » glvr.
(Less than a minute to read.)

'This and that and something else.'
It's clear my presentation is often 'not normal'.
Previous stuff, probably from too long ago for me to remember exactly when.
NEXT: For hire. Expertise and experience.
More 'ethos'…
For insight and perspective…
- This, not that. 'How' and 'why' matter.
- Can you dig it? We respect you. You trust us.
- Authenticity. Respect and honesty.
- Business? Or 'enterprise'…?
- 'They say, we say.' Different strokes.
- Rush? Things are better without an imposed timeframe.
- Gonzo. A little something for the non-conformist in us.
- It stinks. The essence of marketing?
- 'I am, I said...' To introduce and inform.
As noted, nowadays only in very limited circumstances am I available for advice & support and/or mentoring.